Dairy Focus: Managing Feed Refusals
To ensure constant feed availability and account for feed refusal or weigh back, you must deliver more feed to a pen of dairy cows than those cows will consume. Common […]
Agriculture Act of 2014: Who Makes What Decisions?
One question on producer’s minds with regards to the Agriculture Act of 2014 is who makes the decisions. The decision to update yields and base acres1 lies with the owner2 […]
Commercial Beef Production Benchmarks for 2014
What is beef production? That question often is asked, and the answers are very varied because of a very diversified beef industry that encompasses vast amounts of space. The saying […]
Livestock Care in Sub-zero Temperatures
As we sit in our warm houses and look out the window at the bleak, cold, wintery landscape, don’t forget about our livestock that live out of doors. This brutal […]
Time to Replace Toxic Fescue, When Beef Prices Are Good
Good beef prices give herd owners a chance to upgrade pastures to remove toxic fescue. “Replant pastures when prices rise or you will be stuck with bad grass when prices […]