Author: Farm Supply

Anticipating Grasshopper Impact for the Grazing Season

Developing plans to allocate the livestock feed available from pasture resources is essential to optimize pasture use and minimize associated costs. Useful plans are made in advance and anticipate adjustments […]

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Price Loss Coverage (PLC)

Price Loss Coverage is one of the election choices available for producers under the 2014 Agricultural Act. The current producer1 on the farm has to make a one-time selection. Producers […]

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Important Aspects of Reduced-Lignin Alfalfa

Farm magazines are stressing the importance of reduced-lignin alfalfas and how they might benefit the farmer’s operation. However, more details are needed on how they perform in terms of yield […]

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Researchers Develop Faster, More Efficient Test for Soybean Cyst Nematode

The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the most pervasive plant pest in agriculture. University of Illinois researchers have developed a system to test for the nematode that is approximately 20 […]

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Miscanthus-based Ethanol Boasts Bigger Environmental Benefits, Higher Profits

A recent study simulated a side-by-side comparison of the yields and costs of producing ethanol using miscanthus, switchgrass, and corn stover. The fast-growing energy grass miscanthus was the clear winner. […]

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