Feel Good by Feeding Some Alfalfa
Alfalfa is an excellent choice to feed as a supplement to beef cows that are later in their pregnancy. Seldom do we think of hay as being a supplement, but […]
Revised Core Pesticide Applicator Study Manuals
The National Pesticide Applicator Certification Manual Core Manual Second Edition, Private (E3007KITC) and Commercial (E3008KITC) Core Manuals, are now being shipped from the Michigan State University Extension Bookstore. The price […]
Consistent Soil Moisture Helps Prevent Blossom-End Rot
Q. I was wondering if you had any solutions for tomato rot. I throw my grass clippings on the soil to keep the weeds out. Does that have anything to […]
Monitoring Asset Values in 2015
The farm crisis of the 1980s forced lending practices to change. Prior to the farm crisis, lenders relied heavily on asset values to justify granting credit. The drastic reduction in […]
Beef Expansion is Under Way
The nation’s cattle producers are expanding the herd at a somewhat faster rate than had been anticipated. In the semi-annual update of cattle numbers, USDA said that the total number […]