Revised Core Pesticide Applicator Study Manuals
- February 6, 2015
Farm Supply
- News
The National Pesticide Applicator Certification Manual Core Manual Second Edition, Private (E3007KITC) and Commercial (E3008KITC) Core Manuals, are now being shipped from the Michigan State University Extension Bookstore. The price remains at $30.
Both the First Edition and Second Edition are good for taking the MDARD Core Exams. MDARD has compared content of each edition and determined there is no need to change the Private or Commercial core exams.
Michigan State University Extension locations with First Editions in inventory may continue to sell them until their supplies are gone. There are no changes to Michigan Private and Commercial Supplements that are shipped with the Core Manuals.
Frequently asked questions
Q: How do I know which manual I have?
A: The new Core Manuals will have the words “Second Edition 2014” below the title. An image of the new manual is on the right.
Q: Where do I go to buy study manuals?
A: Manuals are available from the MSU Extension online store: Phone: 800-709-9195. Email: Orders can be shipped or picked up in person at the MSU Stores, Angell Building, Michigan State University, 166 Service Rd., East Lansing, MI 48824. A map and directions are available on their website. Store hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., EST. Many county MSU Extension offices offer manuals. Please call ahead for availability and hours of service. A directory of MSUE office locations can be found at the MSU Extension website.
Q: Which Core Manual is the MDARD exam based on?
A: Currently both editions have the right information to study and successfully pass the Private or Commercial Core Applicator, or Registered Technician exam. MDARD has compared content of each edition and determined there is no need to change the Private or Commercial core exams.
Q: Has the price changed for the new manual?
A: No, the price remains $30.
Q: Can I get an electronic, or PDF, version of the Core Manual?
A: Michigan only distributes printed copies of the Core Manual. This assures accuracy of the content and compliance with laws and regulations. Unauthorized alteration of content and redistribution by electronic means is a significant risk to the integrity of the certification program.
Q: The Core Manual I just bought is a First Edition. Can I return it for a refund or exchange for a new one?
A: No. All the material in the First Edition is still relevant to the knowledge required of every Certified Applicator to pass the MDARD exams. MDARD has compared content of each edition and determined there is no need to change the Private or Commercial core exams.
Q: Why was the Core Manual revised?
A: There are several reasons. The original manual was written 10 years ago. The Second Edition offers new information on topics such as pollinator protection, drift management, PPE and formulations. It has also been shortened by 43 pages in response to suggestions from the applicator community.
Q: I have signed up to attend a review session, what should I do?
A: Attend as planned. MSU Extension educators and Pesticide Safety Education Program trainers have the right information to help you prepare for the exam.
Q: Will the Spanish language version of the Core Manual be revised?
A: No, not at this time.
Q: I am a Registered Technician, how does this affect me?
A: Registered Technicians use the same Core Manual as Private and Commercial applicators. Nothing has changed for Registered Technician certification.
Source: Michigan State University